Wednesday 12 March 2008

Third Time Lucky

Ok, todays my lucky day.
I've a new plan. I was going to have a total juice fast but I've changed my mind (for now).
The plan is to start the day with a veggie juice, have a smoothie for lunch, and then have another veggie juice and/or wheatgrass shot in the evening.

So far I've had the usual carrot, apple and celery juice. I put a bit of ginger in it even though I didn't really feel drawn to it. I've been in love with ginger all winter, but now it seems that I don't like it any more. What am I going to do with the ginger in the fridge if I stay off it? I guess I could dehydrate it and grind it into a powder?

I've just realized that I'M REALLY THIRSTY. It's just gone 1:30pm and I had my smoothie about 20 minutes ago. Maybe I should stick to juices?

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