Saturday 29 March 2008

Detox Juice Fast Day 3

Feel pretty good. Really enjoying feeling lighter and clearer. I'm drinking a fair amount of orange juice which is an easy way to take in more calories as I'm pretty active and want to be able to keep cycling, etc.

My new Samson Juicer makes fab juice. It made easy work of the wheat grass this morning. The wheat grass juice still tasted disgusting, but at least it was quick and easy to make. The mesh screen, which needs a good scrub when a make my celery juice mix, only needs a quick rinse with the wheatgrass as none of the grass gets stuck in it.

Going to have a go at making V8 Juice with the Samson next. Ive just bought some nice ripe tomatoes to make a tomato juice base for it, and then I'll add carrot, beetroot, celery, lettuce, watercress, parsley, and spinach. Might add a bit of spice?

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