Friday 14 March 2008

On a Journey of Discovery

Not yet eating all raw...I can feel easter and all that chocolate looming and don't want to come out of a juice fast to promptly stuff my face with chocolate.

That said I am loving the raw food I am eating.
I haven't touched my wheatgrass yet!

I've been researching juicers, and I would love a decent juicer. The centrifugal juicer that I bought from tescos at xmas time has actually been really good (especially for a £10), but as usual its starting to get all worn and discoloured which is a bit of a turn off.

The Samson juicer at £150 pounds isn't cheap, but it should last for 5 to 10 years if I look after it well. As a long term investment I am tempted. It also does ice-creams from fruit (sorbets really) and has the option of making your own nut butters.

The Samson is good at juicing greens so I wouldn't need to keep the manual wheatgrass juicer out which would free up some space in the kitchen.

Yep I think I'll get one.

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